
After much research, Donald Gunn, creative director for the advertising agency Leo Burnett, determined that nearly all good ads fall into one of 12 categories -- "master formats," in his words.This slide show presents some recent ads exemplifying each of Gunn's 12 basic categories.


  1. "demo"
  2. "show the need or problem"
  3. "symbol, analogy or exaggerated graphic"
  4. "comparison"
  5. "exemplary story"
  6. "benefit causes story"
  7. "tell it," presenter, testimonial, or "A-tells-B"
  8. "ongoing characters and celebrities"
  9. "symbol, analogy, or exaggerated graphic" demonstrating a benefit of the product.
  10. "associated user imagery"
  11. "unique personality property"
  12. "parody or borrowed format"


To me, the 12 formats serve equally well as a weapon of defense for the consumer under assault from endless advertising messages. It's like learning how a magic trick works: Once the secret's revealed, the trick loses all its power.
