
  1. 短いもので済むときは長い単語は使わない
  2. 単語をカットできるときはしろ
  3. 能動態を使えるなら受動態を使うな
  4. 業界用語や技術用語、外来語を使うな
  5. ヘンな言葉を使うくらいなら上記のルールは無視しろ
  1. Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
  2. Never us a long word where a short one will do.
  3. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
  4. Never use the passive where you can use the active.
  5. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
  6. Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.

via Daily Meh